Great Lakes Sword Club Policies
(Effective 8/21/2023)
The following policies are currently in effect at Great Lakes Sword Club (GLSC). The GLSC Board reserves the right to amend, cancel and/or change policies as warranted by situations arising during the season.
If there are any questions please contact a Board Member (in person at a practice) or in writing to GLSC, 629 N. Jenison Ave., Lansing, MI 48915. GLSC practices and activities will be held at St. Therese Gym, 102 W. Randolph St., Lansing, MI.
All Club Members (Members) must have current memberships with the USA Fencing. (USA Fencing membership runs from August 1st through the following July 31st.) USA Fencing has several classes of membership. Please contact one of the GLSC Board Members (listed at the end of this document) if you have questions regarding levels of USA Fencing membership available to you, or visit the USA Fencing web site ( USA Fencing dues are non-refundable. USA Fencing membership must be verified each season before fencers may participate in practices.
Members are charged annually for GLSC dues to defray the operation cost of the club. Dues cover one year of membership from August 1st through July 31st and are due July 31st or when first joining GLSC. Membership will be extended through July 31st of the following year for any NEW members who pay dues after April 1st of the current year. Dues are non-refundable. Members are should attend the annual meeting, or may submit a proxy for Club elections if unable to attend. Each Member is allowed one vote. Minors are not allowed to vote on financial issues.
Members are required to sign a GLSC waiver of liability regarding injury when they begin each season. Members under the age of 18 must also have a signature from a parent/ legal guardian on their waiver. Members and/or their parent/guardian are responsible for keeping club contact information up to date. Member contact information is not shared between GLSC and its members unless GLSC has written consent to distribute Member contact information. GLSC will maintain a contact list for Members where applicable. Written permission to share information regarding minors must be provided by a parent/guardian.
GLSC fee structure is found on the accompanying GLSC Fee Structure document.
Closings are sometimes made by GLSC for inclement weather, when no Board Member is available to open the facility and supervise practice, and/or if the facility used by GLSC is unavailable. All GLSC Members will be advised via email if there is no practice due to closings. However, occasionally circumstances may not allow advanced notice of closings. There will be no refunds of monthly dues for closings. GLSC reserves the right to close practices if no members are present thirty minutes after practice starts.
Proper attire is required for all GLSC practices. THERE IS NO CONTACT WITHOUT A MASK, GLOVE and JACKET BEING WORN BY BOTH FENCERS. Please wear CLEAN, DRY shoes. Wet or dirty floors cause a slipping hazard for our Members and are dangerous. It is recommended that Members have a separate pair of gym shoes for use during fencing. USA Fencing provides our insurance via an independent carrier. They require the use of the following equipment during fencing: mask, glove, jacket, knickers, socks that meet the knicker cuffs, underarm protector, and breast plates for female fencers during any fencing contact at all Open Practices. In controlled settings, such as lessons or drills, while under direct supervision of a coach, the requirement for knickers may be adjusted to allow other long pants instead of knickers, and the requirement for underarm protectors may be waived. Athletic cups are recommended for male fencers in all situations.
Parents/guardians are required to be in attendance and available for ready contact, for all lessons and practices involving minors.
Per USA Fencing rules, youths may not fence adults unless the youth has attained the age of 14 or older as of the previous February 1, or they have placed in the National Juniors point standings. Exceptions to this rule may be allowed in controlled situations where they are fencing with or are under the direct supervision of an adult holding USA Fencing Professional level membership.
Minors accompanying a Member or fencer to practices or classes, must remain in the seating area under the direct supervision of a parent or guardian
GLSC members must follow the rules of the fencing facility. Repeated violation of the fencing facility’s policies may result in termination of GLSC membership without refund of dues or fees.
GLSC gear will be provided to students enrolled in group classes, at no additional cost. GLSC gear will not be available for use outside of club classes.
Members will be responsible for damage to equipment caused by improper use.
Pets are not allowed at GLSC activities and should be left at home. Please do not leave your pets in parked cars during attendance at GLSC activities.
GLSC is a non-smoking, alcohol- and drug-free facility. Profanity is discouraged, especially when our younger Members are in attendance. Violent actions toward staff, other fencers or spectators will not be tolerated. Please respect your fellow Members. If you wish to smoke you must go off the host facility’s property or outside any other structures being used for GLSC activities. Please dispose of cigarettes, etc. properly. Fencers impaired by alcohol, under the influence of drugs and/or engaging in verbal or physical abuse while at GLSC will be asked to leave GLSC grounds. Refusal to do so may result in contacting law enforcement officials. No refunds or credits will be given for practice time lost due to violation of these policies. Continued violation of the policies may result in termination of membership without refund of fees or dues.
The GLSC Board reserves the right to terminate GLSC membership and practice fee contracts, without refund of dues or fees, for any Member that refuses to comply with GLSC, and/or USA Fencing, safety, sportsmanship and substance abuse rules and policies. Please sign the attached Waiver form to indicate that you have read, understand and accept these policies. Acceptance of the policies is required for participation at GLSC. Forms must be signed by the Member. Minor aged Members must also have a parent/guardian sign the form. Forms must be returned to GLSC before fencing is allowed.
Thank you and have fun fencing!
GLSC Board
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